Hello Baby Interviewed on Help Us Adopt

Who are you and what do you do?

I am an adoptive mom and I am the Executive Director/Founder of Hello Baby Adoption Consultants. After our adoption, several families asked me to help them through the adoption process. The joy I felt from helping these families bring their babies home inspired me to continue guiding others through the complicated and emotional journey. From this, Hello Baby Adoption Consultants was born.

Tell us about your adoption story

 I had three biological boys and my husband and I thought about adding to our family many times. However, after our third son was born, it just never happened. As the years went by, the desire grew , but I was hesitant to go through a pregnancy because of my age. We knew in our hearts we would love a child unconditionally no matter how they came to us, so we started talking about adoption. We decided to start the journey and we first went through the foster care system. We were approved by the courts to be the pre-adoptive family for a toddler girl. We had relationship with her for over a year and we all fell in love with her. The boys were completely smitten. Eventually, she was reunified with her mother.

Tell us about your adoption story

Although we were happy for them both, our hearts were broken. We knew, however, without a doubt, that adoption was the path we wanted to take. We decided to turn to domestic infant adoption. I made it my full time job to research and educate myself. Our journey went quickly. After being approved by an agency, we were chosen in three weeks by the most wonderful expectant mother and father. We began a relationship with them through a visit, calls, and texts. We were all a bundle of nerves, not knowing what to expect through this journey, but we tried to be as open and honest as possible. Our beautiful baby girl was born four months later.

Tell us about your adoption story

We were all in the delivery room to witness this miracle and we all bonded in the hospital with birth family visiting. The love I had for this baby and for this Mom who placed her in my arms was like nothing I ever felt before. There was utter happiness and sadness all in one. I knew then that I would love my daughter's birthparents like family and my daughter would always know the love they have for her and the sacrifices they made. Today, my daughter is 4. We have a very open relationship with all of her birth family. We share pictures and texts and emails and calls and visits. I wouldn't want it any other way for my daughter. She has so many incredible people to love her.

What is one thing you wish more people knew about adoption?

Adoption can and will happen. It will definitely be a hard journey, but don't ever give up. The wait is worth it.

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us

I can carry on a conversation with anybody but I HATE public speaking.

What is your personal philosophy?

Always be kind.

Who is your Face of Adoption®?

My daughter, Mary Claire, her birth parents, Angel and Connor, my husband and I, and our three sons.
